While we were in Germany recently on our European tour we visited the Touratech headquarters for their annual Touratech Travel Event. This is an annual celebration of the adventure travel lifestyle that Touratech is synonymous with. We met with Robin Box the Australian distributor of Touratech while we were there and Robin introduced to a few of the Touratech crew. Our first stop was in the impressive showroom, which is...Read More
When I go on recce for our events I want to capture the feel of the places we visit with quality images. I’ve always struggled with what format or size of camera to take on the bike with me. For sure my Canon DSLR camera gives the best quality images, fast shutter response and the ability to get a great depth of field by using the zoom lens but damn DSLR’s are big!...Read More
Bright Victoria is one of our most loved towns so whenever we get the chance to spend some time there, we jump at it. We got talking to Robin Box from Touratech Australia at the Adventure Travel Film Festival (also held in Bright!) back in February and I suggested to him perhaps I could provide a training session on GPS use at his upcoming Touratech Travel Event. Judging by Robin’s speedy...Read More
Education is a big part of what we love to do. We love to share Tips & Tricks, News, Stories and stunning images. Click through for more juicy goodness.
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